BC HighwayCams - Highway 31
Please note all BC HwyCams use Pacific Time Zone (PT).
Coffee Creek Highway 31 about 45 km north of Nelson and 25 km south of Kaslo, looking north. (elevation: 638 metres) |
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Kaslo - N
Highway 31 at Highway 31A Junction in Kaslo, looking northbound. | Kaslo - W
Highway 31 at Highway 31A Junction in Kaslo, looking westbound. | Kaslo - S
Highway 31 at Highway 31A Junction in Kaslo, looking southbound. | Coffee Creek
Highway 31 about 45 km north of Nelson and 25 km south of Kaslo, looking north. |
Cooper Creek
Highway 31 at Duncan Lake Road about 35 km north of Kaslo, looking south. |